Courses taught:

Building website using R, Markdown, and GitHub

The tutorial shows how to deploy a website, hosted on GitHub Pages for free, using R and Markdown.

The tutorial is available as a written document: link to tutorial

To make the process highly accessible, I have created a dummy website that provides a template for building a professional website with two pages: a homepage and a webpage for describing your research experience. The template can be customized by renaming and repurposing the individual pages.

The following video is a recording from the workshop I hosted on May 3rd, 2023 for my lab group. Sadly, some parts of the video is blocked by giant faces, but you should be able to follow along by combining the video tutorial with the step-by-step instructions provided in the tutorial document linked above.

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Plotting publication-quality figures using R

This tutorial is intended to get you started with programming in R, using RStudio (Cloud) for working on a shared project (link provided below). The code in the R script will generate high-quality plots using an example dataset, and save them to your local hard disk for use.

Shared project link:

Note: This tutorial was created for students taking PCB3044L-Principles of Ecology lab at UCF.

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Tutorial - Plotting means and standard deviations in Excel

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F-test and T-test Cheat Sheet

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